
Thomas Seiller

I am CNRS researcher (Chargé de Recherche) working in the LoVe team at the LIPN laboratory. I am also an associated researcher of the IHPST (Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques, UMR 8590).

I am the scientific secretary (and board member) of the current (2021-2026) Section 06, and a member (and board member) of the Interdisciplinary committee CID 53 of the National Committee for Scientific Research (CoNRS). I was also part of the previous Section 06 for a short time (Jan. 2021 - Aug. 2021).

You can follow me on Mastodon, thanks to the LIPN server dedicated to computer science researchers

Curriculum Vitae

You can find my CV (in english) here: June 2024.

Some Upcoming Events

(Invited speaker) Fall meeting of the Japanese Society for Philosophy of Science, October 2024, Japan (organised online).
(Organiser) IRN CLoVe workshop on complexity theory, January 2025, Copenhagen, Denmark
(Organiser) Caleidoscope 2025 research school, March-April 2025, CIRM, Marseille, France

Past Events (Organisation only)

(Speaker) AMS-UMI joint meeting, special session on proof theory and theoretical computer science, July 2024, Palermo, France
(Organiser) Formalising the Notion of Algorithm, Dagstuhl research meeting 23516, December 17th-21st 2023, Dagstuhl, Germany
(Organiser) Caleidoscope 2023, EPIT summer school, June 2023, Ile d'Oleron, France
(Organiser) Workshop and Conference on Geometric Complexity Theory, January 17th-28th 2022, CMI, Chennai, India
(Organiser) CALeidoscope 2021, Cancelled due to the COVID-19 epidemic.
(Organiser) November 2020.Journée Opérades LAGA-LIPN 2020, Villetaneuse, France.
(Organiser) June 2020. CALeidoscope 2020, Cancelled due to the COVID-19 epidemic.
(Organiser) June 2019. CALeidoscope 2019, Summer School on Complexity Theory, IHP, Paris, France.

Seminars and Working Groups

I am a member of the scientific and organising committee of the monthly Chocola meetings.
I organise the "Complexities" seminar. You can subscribe to the online calendar and the mailing list.

I used to organise both of the Lo (the "logic" in the "LoVe" team) working group on computational complexity and the team seminars. I created and maintain a public calendar with all events related to the team, as well as information about the upcoming seminars (titles, time and rooms).
It is accessible here: GdT-Lo Calendar.

Selection of Recent Invited Talks

Shonan Meeting on New Directions and Challenges in Interactive Semantics, October 19th-22nd 2020, October 25th-28th 2021, November 7th-10th 2022, May 20th-23rd 2024, Shonan Village, Japan.
Colloques "Normes" et "Computation, Complexité et Types : la Logique Linéaire et ses interfaces", November 8th-11th 2023, Lyon, France. Slides (pdf).
July 24th-30th 2023, (Symposium Speaker) International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology, CLMPS 2023, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Slides (pdf).
November 2022, Conference "Logic and Computing: how do they interface?", Lyon, France
October 2022, Realisability Workshop, Fontainebleau, France. No slides (blackboard talk).
June 27th - July 1st 2022, École thématique “Philosophie et Mathématiques Contemporaines”, Chateau de Goutelas, France. No slides (blackboard talk).
June 2022, Séminaire INTERSEM, Paris and Online. Slides (pdf).
February 11th 2022. A geometric theory of algorithms. Logic and transdiciplinarity: Mathematics/Computer Science/Philosophy/Linguistics, CIRM, Marseille (France). Slides (pdf).Recording.
January 28th 2022, Online. Conference on Geometric Complexity Theory (GCT 2022), CMI, Chennai (online). Recording Notes (pdf).
December 9th, 2021. TallCat seminar, Tallinn, EE.
April 27th, 2021. Mathematical Foundations seminar, University of Bath (online), UK. Slides.
October 2019. Shonan Meeting on Higher-order Complexity Theory and its Applications, Shonan Village, Japan.
July 8th, 2019. Logic and Computational Complexity (LCC), satellite event of ICALP 2019, Patras, Greece.
June 29-30th, 2019. Structures and Deduction (SD) and Trends in Linear Logic and Applications (TLLA) joint invited talk, satellite events of FSCD 2019, Dortmund, Germany.
May 15th, 2019. HEPIC seminar (Histoire et Philosophy de l'Informatique et du Calcul), IHPST, Paris.
November 5-6th, 2018. Colloque "Le même et l’autre : identité, orthogonalité, types", Lyon, France.
October 17-18th, 2018. Journées inaugurales "Logique, Homotopie, Catégories, Marseille, France. Website. Slides.
June 18-20th, 2018. Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimisation. Paris, France. Website. Slides.
June 12-13th, 2018. Workshop on Realisability. CIRM, Marseille, France. Slides.
November 14th, 2017. Logical Time and Computational Time. Lyon, France. Website.Poster.
November 9th, 2017. CHOCOLA Seminar. Lyon, France. Website.
October 25th, 2017. Thirty Years of Linear Logic. Rome, Italy. Website. Poster.Slides.

Current Team

Yasmine Laghjichi, cosupervised by Alberto Naibo, PhD student from October 2023, intern from April to September 2023. Internship funded as part of the FormA project on the formalisation of algorithms. PhD Topic: Models of computation(s).
Eliès Harington, PhD student from September 2022, co-supervised by Samuel Mimram (École Polytechnique). PhD Topic: Higher-categorical polynomial models of linear logic.
Valentin Maestracci, PhD student from September 2022, co-supervised by Laurent Regnier (Aix-Marseille University). PhD Topic: A proofs-as-programs interpretation of first-order logic.
Adrien Ragot, PhD student from September 2022, co-supervised by Stefano Guerrini and Lorenzo Tortora de Falco (Roma Tre university). Topic: Contemporary reflexions on proof-nets: new definitions and complexity. Funded by the VINCI program from UFI (Franco-Italian university).
Ulysse Léchine, PhD student from September 2021, co-supervised by Stefano Guerrini and Geoffroy Couteau. PhD Topic: Average-case complexity, entropy, and one-way functions.
William Troiani, PhD student from December 2020, at the University of Melbourne (supervisor in Melbourne: Daniel Murfet). PhD Topic: Mathematical foundations of the proofs-as-programs correspondence, and its connections with Singular Learning.

Past Members

Boris Eng, PhD student from October 2019 to June 2023, cosupervised by Damiano Mazza, M2 intern March-August 2019. Topic: An exegis of transcendental syntax. Manuscript
. Now research engineer at Ocaml pro.
Pierre-Yves Coursolles, PhD student at École Polytechnique from October 2018 to February 2022; main supervisor: Emmanuel Haucourt. Topic: A framework for locally structured spaces - application to geometric models of concurrency. Manuscript
. Now assistant professor at LACL.
Lê Thành Dũng Nguyễn, PhD student from September 2018 to December 2021. M2 intern January-July 2018, cosupervised by Stefano Guerrini. Topic: Implicit automata in linear logic and categorical transducer theory. Manuscript. Now postdoc in the Plume team at LIP.
Morgan Rogers, Postdoc from December 2021 to August 2023, funded by the MathSTIC Research Federation (FR3734) and the ANR project DySCo. Now associate professor at LIPN.
Thomas Rubiano, Postdoc from June 2021 (CoHoP project, funded by DIM RFSI and the Ile-de-France region). Now research engineer in the PACAP team at IRISA.
Maxime Lucas, Postdoc from September 2020 to May 2021 (CoHoP project, funded by DIM RFSI and the Ile-de-France region). Now engineer at SYSNAV.
Mohamed Maizia, M2 student (MPRI), intern from April to august 2023. Topic: meta-complexity.
Seng Beng Goh, Third year student from Cambridge University, June-September 2018.
Derek So, Third year student from Cambridge University, June-September 2019.
Paul Séjourné, Third year student from Paris 4 University, February-June 2020.


You can contact me if you wish to do an internship with me. You will find some examples of internship proposals below.

Measurable Game Semanticspdf
Effects in Interaction Graphspdf
Geometric Complexity Theorypdf
Abstract State Machines and PTimepdf
Dependent Types in Realisability Models of Linear Logicpdf
Formalising Transcendental Syntaxpdf
Les espaces cohérents comme modèle du 𝜆-calcul polymorphepdf
The mathematisation of algorithmicspdf

Previous Positions

In 2015-2018, I was a Marie Curie postdoctoral researcher at the Datalogisk Institute (Computer Science Department) of the University of Copenhagen (DIKU).
In 2014-2015, I was a postdoctoral researcher in PPS, working in the french ANR project CoQuaS.
In 2013-2014, I was a postdoc at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (Carmin Fellowship).
In 2012-2013, I was a post-doctoral researcher at the INRIA, working at the Departement of Mathematics of the Savoie University in Chambéry (France), in the Logic, Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics team.
Before being in Chambéry, I prepared a PhD in mathematics entitled Logic in the Hyperfinite Factor: Geometry of interaction and complexity at the Luminy Institute of Mathematics under the direction of Jean-Yves Girard and Laurent Regnier. My work concerns mainly the geometry of interaction program and its applications to computational complexity. Even though my thesis was written in french, I wrote a short (20 pages) description in english: pdf.


Past Events
May 2018. Working Group on Transcendental Syntax and Workshop on Proof Nets, GDRI Linear Logic meeting, Villetaneuse, France.

ReACT Project
I worked (from 2015 to 2018) at the Computer Science Department of the University of Copenhagen (DIKU). This stay is funded by the European Union through a Marie Curie action. More details can be found on the project page.

DICE 2016.
I was in the program committee of the 2016 edition of DICE (Developments in Implicit Computational complExity), an ETAPS workshop. Don't hesitate to submit and/or participate to the upcoming edition!

Séances de Mathématiques.
I organized, when at the IML, a seminar called "Séances de Mathématiques" during the year 2010-2011 (it was then continued when I left but has withered since then). The scheduled reunion as well as some documents (all in french) are still available on the page Séances de Mathématiques.

PhD Students Project
I also co-organized a project involving PhD students from several french universities about logic and philosophy. All informations (in french) can be found on the webpage Projet Doctorant.

Working Group
I organized, during my first years at the IML, a working group on Girard's hyperfinite geometry of interaction. This working group stopped its activities since it was replaced by the French ANR Project LOGOI. The meetings' schedule is still available on the Working Group page.